The History of STYLUS

      The publication history of STYLUS magazine begins in the mid-1980s with the first literary yearbook at Midlands Technical College. That magazine was called Starshine and was founded and edited by Maurice Duperre of the MTC English department.

      By 1990, the magazine had changed its name and eventually grew into a 40-60 page journal of student writing and art. The publication became a full-color production by 2000, directed by editor Keith Higginbotham, who guided the journal for over a decade. Other editors have included: Maurice Duperre, Les Turner, Curtis Derrick, and Travis Gordon. During its history, STYLUS has won grant awards from the South Carolina Arts Commission and several awards from the Two-year College Humanities Council.

      With our Fall, 2011, issue, the magazine continues its evolution as an online publication and the cornerstone of the STYLUS web site. Selections for the magazine and its awards continue to be made by an editorial board of faculty members.

Editorial Policy

      The STYLUS editorial board reads and judges all submissions. All published selections are chosen by at least three readers independently, ensuring objectivity in the editorial process. All published works are chosen according to their creative and artistic merits. Only works received by the deadline were eligible for awards.

Editorial Board

      Scott Compton, Editor; Alice Davis; Keith Higginbotham; Julie Nelson.

STYLUS Archive

An archive of the print issues of STYLUS, dating back to 1987, are available in the office of the editor. A partial archive of scanned issues is available online. Click the issue below you wish to access.